what reason does curleys wife give for going to the bunkhouse

How does Steinbeck present the character of Curleys Married woman? In this essay I am going to be assessing the character Curleys Married woman from Steinbeck's book Of Mice And Men. The book is set in the 1930s during the Great Low information technology features two farm workers called George and Lennie. The travel around together in search of work sharing a dream of a place of their own, a pocket-sized ranch where they can alive and piece of work for themselves. It tells the story of how violence may erupt to destroy those dreams.

Curleys wife is a character in the book who from the cursory encounters with her is presented in two ways. Firstly the unsafe, flirtatious graphic symbol who isn't trusted past the residual of the ranch workers but then later one we realize how she is just a victim of loneliness with her beingness the merely girl on the ranch and how she also has an incomplete American Dream to pursue an acting career. Curleys wife is a very of import character and is heavily involved in the result of the story when George ends upwardly shooting Lennie nevertheless in that location is the question of her innocence.

Before we encounter Curleys wife, Steinbeck deliberately gives us a first impression of her to let us know their honest views on her with Processed and Georges conversation. Processed starts by saying "Expect'll you see Curleys wife. ", this makes the states anticipated of her and gives us an expectation of what is going to be said well-nigh her. During the conversation the merely positive thing said was that she was "purty". She is portrayed as beingness flirty and not satisfied with her married man when Processed claims "Married 2 weeks and got the eye?

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Maybe that'south why Curleys pants is total of ants. " This makes the reader think because if they were newlywed they should exist on their honeymoon period however 1 is overly flirtatious and the metaphor "pants is full of ants" shows the others paranoid over her, this gives united states the sense something'due south not right with their relationship. Steinbeck exaggerates the utilize of the phrase "the eye" to mirror the fact she repeatedly flirts with the men in search of attending.

Steinbeck describes her negatively when he refers to her equally a "tart" when Candy says "well i think Curleys married... a tart", the ellipsis shows Candy's unsure whether he should refer to her in such an insulting style but he chooses to anyhow. The chat prejudices Curleys wife before we even meet her and the fact George thinks she will be trouble prepares the reader for future events. Steinbeck uses his clarification of Curleys married woman carefully to give us a sure first impression on her before finding out more than about her. The escription starts with "the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cutting off", the light beingness cut off could exist foreshadowing her being the obstruction that would eventually ruin George and Lennies hopes and dreams. Steinbeck and then calls her a "daughter" rather than a adult female implying her youth and vulnerability, he continues keeps her unnamed to uphold the prejudice women faced in the 1930's and to evidence the oppressive misogyny posed against her and how she is just seen through her relation to Curley and is ultimately a possession of his, unworthy of a unique identity.

Steinbeck as well claims she was "looking in" showing her every bit an outsider who doesn't really fit in and when she does look in, it's to see something she hopes to have in the futurity, friendship. When Steinbeck starts to describe her appearance he starts with "she had full rouged lips and wide spaced optics, heavily fabricated upwards" this makes the states realise she hides her face up with makeup showing her cocky-consciousness and gives the impression she is trying to expect older however it'due south not working past her previously being referred to every bit a "daughter".

Steinbeck repeats the word red when he says "her fingernails were red" and then "ruddy ostrich feathers", the noun red has many meanings for example, love but it also means danger and stop. This could once again be showing signs of what the future could hold for her and how her desire for love becomes a great danger when leading to her death. Her facial features are a slap-up contrast to her "nasal, brittle" vocalism that implies she'southward nearly to pause.

Curleys wife is provocative with her trunk language as she is described to have "put her easily behind her back and leaned against the door frame and then that her body was thrown forward" and "she looked at her fingernails", she is very conscious of the affect she has on men and uses this to her advantage however her inappropriate clothes and her behavior I think are designed to provoke interest and attention rather than to invite intimacy, nosotros later larn this is because of her loneliness in her matrimony to Curley.

Her loneliness is clear by her constant asking of the whereabouts of Curley proving she is just looking for an excuse to keep her chat with the ranch workers. The perceptions we make of Curley's wife are corrupted from the views of the ranch easily. Because sexuality is her only weapon she is referred to past George as 'jailbait' and ' a tart' 'Jesus what a tramp. ' George has reason to be weary of her presence especially with Lenny effectually and the incident in Weed. Listen to me you crazy bastard... Don't you even look at that bitch. He is concerned nearly Lennie safety because he knows he won't be able to resist her. The next time Steinbeck presents Curleys married woman is in her chat with Lennie, Candy and Crooks. In this excerpt we see how Curleys wife clearly enjoys having power over others and because she is the only girl on the ranch she is prone to discrimination by beingness made to feel like one of Curleys possessions.

We offset get this impression when she refers to them as " a bunch of bindle stiffs - a nigger an' a dum-dum and a lousy ol' sheep", Curleys wife wouldn't dare say these insults to anyone else but she would to these 3 men purely because i is older, one is mentally challenged and the other is a black homo who in the 1930's faced larger discrimination than girls. Nonetheless her vulnerability is all the same shown when she asks "whatta ya think I am, a kid? ".

The apply of this rhetorical question makes us retrieve how she doesn't want to be thought of as a picayune kid linking Back to when Steinbeck repeatedly called her a "girl" rather than a woman giving us the impression that fifty-fifty she realises how lowly she is idea of in the ranch then Steinbeck makes her speak "contemptuously" to show how she thinks they are beneath her. This scene adds to making the reader dislike her and meet her as the downfall of the men in the story. Steinbeck lets united states of america learn more about Curleys wife in the final scene earlier her death.

Here nosotros larn that she too has her ain dream just similar all the other men on the ranch, her dream was to become a movie star in Hollywood and here we also see a completely dissimilar side to her initial flirtatious grapheme nosotros originally meet. Curleys wife's naivety is demonstrable in her approach and attitude towards her dream. "I coulda made something of myself" she refuses to accept that her dream had a very piffling take chances of coming truthful, when she says "possibly I will yet" she uses her dream as an escape from her loveless wedlock and pitiful life; she is deluded that her dream will exist realised and clings to the promise of a better life.

Curleys wife as well blames others for the breakdown of her dream, especially her female parent, "My ol' lady wouldn't let me.... if I'd went I wouldn't be livin' like this you bet" she is using her mother as a scapegoat for the failure of her dream, and her current situation. Therefore past marrying Curley, she has managed to escape her female parent who she feels is responsible for preventing her from achieving her dream of being a film star. "an I coulda sabbatum in them big hotels", Curleys wife's dream revolves on what could take been, she yearns for luxuries and attending,.

Like the men she desires friendship, but her dream is more materialistic; she seeks the attending she feels she deserves. When Curleys wife is telling Lennie well-nigh her dream, Steinbeck states that "Her words tumbled out in passion of communication as though she hurried before her listener could exist taken away" This links to her desperation for someone to talk to and how she yearns for some sort of interaction. Curleys married woman dream makes her more vulnerable and man. Steinbeck recreates this impression by portraying her innocence in death.

Steinbeck uses very specific language when describing how Curleys wife was murdered by Lennie. In this extract we come across how she underestimated Lennie's great force and this is proven when she says "Jus' like a large baby", we as readers know he is capable of murder and we know he is annihilation only a big infant adding to the tension. Steinbeck does requite us a moment of promise when he remembers his Aunt Clara who he has occasionally forgotten, this gives u.s.a. promise that he will remember Georges warnings on Curleys wife but this isn't the instance.

Curleys wife invites Lennie to feel her hair later on hearing near his beloved of stroking soft things and she presently realises her mistake when she goes "Don't you muss it up" and when Lennie refuses to let get she cries "permit go" "you let go" the utilise of these brusk sentences lets united states realise her panic. Steinbeck declares how she "writhed to be free" this could really mean how she ached to be complimentary of the ranch and of Curley.

And then when he adds how "her hoarse cry came out" it creates a major contrast to when she wasn't heard by the men and when her vocalism is needed the most she is existence stifled. He fifty-fifty mentions how her "eyes were wild with terror", they aren't being described with being heavily made upwards. When Curleys married woman is killed Steinbeck ensures the readers sympathy for Lennie is maintained. The reader sees the killing as an inevitable result of Lennie's bear-like force and Curleys wife'southward desire for attending.

The use of the simile "and he shook her and her trunk flopped like a fish" creates an unsympathetic image, further emphasised with the alliterative "f", as nosotros tend not to feel sorry for dying fish in the mode nosotros may for a different animal. The sympathy the reader may feel for Curleys wife is weakened with "and she was still, for Lennie had cleaved her cervix" as this seems harsh. This tone reminds the reader that Lennie would not have wanted to break her neck it was just something that happened so, even though he has committed a terrible act, the reader does not fully blame Lennie.

The repetition of the natural imagery, including the clear link to the animalistic imagery when Curleys hand was crushed equally he "flopped like a fish on a line", both links Curley and his wife as the enemy, but also reminds the reader of Lennie's early clarification equally a acquit, reiterated with his "manus"-similar hands throughout the novel. Because of this, it seems articulate that this was both inevitable and natural as bears do kill fish, and Steinbeck could be highlighting the predatory nature of the world; it could also advise that Steinbeck was trying to show the continuance of the natural world and Lennie is merely another victim in this world.

Yet when Curleys wife is dead Steinbeck seems to show her the respect she deserves as his description of Curleys wife after her decease is evidently more complimentary than previous occasions. He starts by proverb "The meanness and the planning and the discontent and the aches for attending was all gone from her face" this straight away lets u.s. realise that just from her death nosotros run into the other side to her, the side that was unhappy with her matrimony and her life, her incomplete dream and the constant peckish for a companion and all this considering of her death simply disappears.

Steinbeck besides uses words such as "sweetness and young" to projection Curleys wife more positively equally a pretty, young woman, free of all hateful qualities. This contrasts to the other times he referred to her as a "daughter" because this time he is reflecting her purity rather than her childlike features. When he says "Now her rouged lips and her reddened cheeks made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly" it shows usa what her life could accept been similar if she were to accept completed it to its full potential. The way Steinbeck portrays her now is a lot more poetic showing his respect.

In my conclusion I retrieve Steinbeck manages to portray 2 sides to Curleys Wife in the book Of Mice and Men. The first side is the misunderstood girl who isn't trusted and her demand for company and a friend is mistaken for a flirtatious troublemaker. All the same at the stop of the novel Steinbeck makes her intentions articulate and shares her dream of becoming a Hollywood picture show star giving the readers the gamble to run into the vulnerable side of her, the one that shows her as not wanting but needing somebody to talk to.

The need for such things is what acquired her decease. Lennie was keeping her company and she needed this so much that she was willing to let him harm her, and in this case kill her. Steinbeck too shows her differently in death as well. He gives Curleys married woman respect and describes her as beingness beautiful and majorly contrasts the provocative way he did beforehand.

How Does Steinbeck Present the Character of Curleys Wife essay

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