How to Bedroom Share a Baby and a Toddler


Nosotros have a small-scale house with two bedrooms and two boys who demand to successfully share one of them — and it's non going well.

Siblings have shared a room since the outset of time. Of the centuries of coroomhabitation (I made that word upward), information technology stops with us? We're the only ones who tin can't go far piece of work? What did pioneer people do if their kids kept waking each other upwards? And what about families with 10 kids? Does no one ever sleep? We only accept ii!

I have really laid in bed at dark thinking, "Well, that's information technology. Nosotros'll have to start looking for a new house tomorrow that has 3 bedrooms."

When Adriano was seven months old, we decided it was time for him to go out Mom and Dad's room. He was sleeping pretty well through the nighttime (in his ain crib), with one nursing at four a.g. Nosotros weren't sure what would happen with him and Luca together, but it wasn't working with him in our room anymore.

It would go something like this: Marcello started "animate heavily"(he will tell you he doesn't snore) then I'd tap his arm to go him to stop. My moving would wake Adri up and he would start moving. Once he started moving, I felt that I couldn't motility, which fabricated me want to move even more. Marcello would end up sleeping on the couch, and no one slept well.

So the time came to movement babe out, and here'south the rundown of the scenarios we've gone through since over the past several months:

  • We put Adriano's crib in the walk in closet attached to Luca'south room, thinking the minor dissever might help. He didn't like it, even with a very soft light and the door open. Fine.
  • We put his crib in the room with Luca's crib. I put Adriano to bed kickoff, thinking he'll fall soundly comatose so they wouldn't keep each other up. Merely Luca was and so excited to have him in that location he kept talking to him and, of form, waking him. And babies woken from sound sleep are not happy. OK, lesson learned.
  • So and so we tried putting Luca to sleep showtime. Adriano repaid the favor and woke him upwards equally well.
  • OK and so, both at the same time. They usually talked for half an hr or 45 minutes and I had to get dorsum in a few times (Adri dropped his pacifier, Luca wants to exist covered, I need to Luca to finish talking). But they somewhen go to slumber. Bang-up.
  • Then the problem was Adriano waking up around 4 a.m., crying. So how to wean when two boys are sharing a room? Well, fortunately for us, Adriano only took i night to get the bulletin that the four a.m. feeding was over. Nosotros kept him in our room that night. He fussed for an hour and so went back to sleep. That was information technology. At least we had that going for u.s..(He was nine months.)
  • And then the boys were going to sleep at the aforementioned time well enough and Adriano wasn't waking for a four a.m. feeding. Check, check. But then Adriano wanted to wake up and start the day at 5:30! We cannot risk waking Luca after virtually 5 a.m. or he will not go back to sleep. He will cry and yell until 7 a.thou. if yous accept the stamina to let him and be cranky for the remainder of the twenty-four hour period. So I had to take Adri back to our room to sleep in the Pack 'n Play.
  • Now, Luca (recently been potty trained) wakes up at 11 p.thou. and wants to go the bath. And wakes his brother upward. Then at 5 a.m. Adri wants a bottle. And wakes his blood brother up. And then all of this nonsense leaves usa at square one — no meliorate and no worse than when we started this fiasco.

I write all that out considering I can't observe much chatter online most how people are coping with this situation. In most of what I read, Moms seem to be saying their kids were able to sleep through the other one crying or fussing. Unfortunately that's not the example for usa. By and large, the little i nonetheless ends up in our room — and I'm near to lose my mind from all the bed juggling and lack of sleep.

Who knew sleep would be arguably the master focus of your child'due south first years? Non me! I had not a inkling how much time and endeavour and thought would exist put into getting my babies to bed. We nonetheless haven't figured it out and it will hopefully resolve in time, but it'south not easy. I know there's no right or incorrect respond to these dilemmas, but it's good to share so we don't experience alone in these times!


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