what was the distance from mr. brown to both the colored and white schools?

hf-all-threeEveryone in the theater applauded as the credits rolled at the cease of the movie, Hidden Figures, and for good reason. Information technology is an amazing, humorous, educational, inspiring and of import movie. Information technology is a film that every educator and math pupil should meet. This true story of the contribution of three black women to NASA'southward launching of John Glenn into orbit is full of so many positive messages about math, scientific discipline, patriotism and social justice that I am compelled to share my perspective equally a high school math teacher.  Here are my reflections from this incredible moving picture.

On Math
Math is More than Computing.
Yes, a team of nearly twenty African-American women was known as "the computers," because in the days before calculators, computation was done by manus. All the same, the movies' iii protagonists, Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn and Mary Jackson, were all given assignments for which the math went far beyond elementary computation. They had to visualize geometrically, draw graphs, generate equations, assign units, appraise some other's work, creatively program and, yes, solve lots of problems. Much of the work that was glorified in the motion-picture show was the awarding of mathematics, not calculation with mathematics. In fact, the director the Space Chore Grouping, Al Harrison insisted:

"This isn't about plugging in numbers, this is about inventing the math."

Intellectual work is valuable.
Several times in the movie at that place was reference made to the "work" done by the various NASA personnel.

Dorothy reference the number of people needed to run the new IBM:  "We're going to need a lot of manpower to program that beast. I can't practise information technology alone. My gals are ready. They can do the work." *

Al Harrison in response to a politician's inquiry: "That's the math we don't have nonetheless, gentlemen. Nosotros're working on it."

Ruth (Katherine's colleague) on Katherine'due south last day on the Space Chore Group: "Y'all did expert work effectually here."

Al Harrison after John Glenn was returned safely to earth: "Overnice work, Katherine."

Dorothy instructing the other women in reference to Katherine re-computing John Glenn's critical re-entry coordinates: "Alright, give her space. Let her work."

hf-workThe work referenced here is the kind of work that educators are chosen to teach in the 21st Century classroom. We math teachers are currently implored to supersede meaningless decorated work with relevant intellectual work.

Math put humans into infinite.
Katherine upon existence questioned about how she knows that one type of rocket is needed over another:

"What's there tells the story if you read betwixt the lines. The distance from launch to orbit is known. The Redstone mass is known. The hf-mathMercury Capsule weight is known. And the speeds are at that place in the data…. The numbers don't prevarication."

That says it all.

The movie got the math and the science right.
Hollywood has a track tape for flunking math and scientific discipline in movies, however, in this i, they earn a stellar score.

Katherine as an 8-yr old child prodigy: "If the product of two terms is zero, then common sense says at least 1 of the two terms has to be nil to outset with. Then, if you lot move all the terms over to one side, yous can put the quadratics into a course that can be factored, assuasive that side of the equation to equal zero. Once you've done that, it's pretty directly-forward from in that location…"

Stafford: "The Atlas Rocket tin push button u.s. into orbit. Information technology goes up. Delivers the capsule into an elliptical orbit. Earth's gravity keeps pulling it, simply it'south going so fast that it keeps missing the Earth – that's how it stays in orbit."

A+, Hollywood.

On Math Education
All demand to be encouraged to check their piece of work.
When Katherine Johnson was asked by her new boss to check the work of the lead engineer, Paul Stafford, Mr. Stafford balked. In response to his objection, Harrison gave a speech about the importance of the chore, and that no one is above having his or her work checked.

"Practice I need to remind everyone…that we are putting a man on top of a missile and shooting him into space? It'southward never been done before. And because it's never been done … everything we practice between at present and then is going to affair: it'due south going to matter to their wives, their kids, I believe it's going to thing to the whole damn country. So this Infinite Chore Group will exist as advertised. And America'southward greatest engineering and scientific minds will not have a trouble with having their work checked."


Yes, those engineers had to bank check their piece of work because the boss said and then, but the boss also gave them the reason why… because getting the answer correct is important. If NASA engineers needed to exist reminded of this on occasion, so so do our math students.

Much of the math that launched John Glenn into infinite is taught in high school.
Aye, the characters in the motion picture mentioned things like the Frenet Frame and the Gram-Schmidt, simply many of the terms used and the equations shown in various scenes would be recognized by students in high school math classes across America.

Paul Stafford: "We need to motility from an elliptical orbit to a parabolic path."hf-paul

Katherine: "On any given 24-hour interval, I analyze the manometer levels for air deportation, friction and velocity and compute over 10,000 calculations by cosine, square root and lately Analytic Geometry."

Our math students should know that they are actually learning rocket science!

In that location is opportunity for anybody in Stalk fields. (Science, Applied science, Applied science and Mathematics)
The three women portrayed in Hidden Figures were specialists in iii different STEM fields: Mathematics, Engineering, and Programming. These are all fields in which nosotros have a shortage of American citizens earning a degree, to the bespeak that much of the classified piece of work in this state is existence done past people who have citizenship from other countries. The Stalk customs sees this equally an result and would very much like to see more Americans pursuing careers in these fields. With the typical Stem task offering twice the annual earning of a non-STEM task, in that location is a huge opportunity for economic advancement for low-income students entering these vocations.  If they are not choosing this on their own, so nosotros educators should be doing more to encourage and support their election of these endeavors.

On Disinterestedness
The oppressed are not victims.
Subconscious Figures is very much a story about victory over oppression, not victims of oppression. The victory was achieved by the heroines changing themselves, changing others, and changing the organisation…

In order to adapt to economic change, we must meliorate ourselves.
When Dorothy Vaughn finds out that the new IBM computing auto means that the human being computers will exist obsolete, she non only makes moves to position herself well in the new age of computers, she encourages her friends to do the same.

"It's non going to thing soon. This IBM's going to put us all out of work… Only 1 affair to do: learn all we can. Make ourselves valuable. Somewhere downward the line a human existence'due south going to take to hit the buttons… Nosotros have to know how to program it. Unless you'd rather be out of a job?"


Dorothy so goes to the public library and checks out a volume on Fortran (one of the original programming languages). She even reads information technology aloud to her sons on the bus, as a mother's lesson in overcoming adversity.

This message is extremely relevant in the political climate today. Many jobs are being lost to automation and changes in the global economy. The promise of today's politicians to "bring those jobs back," is equivalent to thinking that the emergence of the data age, represented in the film past the IBM car, could have been prevented in order to maintain the human computing jobs. It is equally as empty-headed to recall that anyone today can cease the evolution of the job market place. Instead, nosotros educators should be didactics students, and ourselves, to practise as Dorothy did, and arrange to the new 21st Century economical surround.

They were strong women non but smart women.
These iii women were more than than simply a mathematician, engineer and programmer; they were wives, mothers and daughters. Katherine Johnson was a single, widowed mother who had to raise and support three children. Mary Jackson was a married female parent who held downward a task and attended night schoolhouse. It takes internal strength to balance that kind of life.


They were brave women non but strong, smart women.
The 3 heroines each had a moment in the story in which they spoke truth to power.  In the engineering lab, the courtroom, and the part.  In each case, their courage effected modify.

Black men are not thugs.
The ii primary blackness male roles in the flick, the husbands of Katherine and Mary, were not the gangsta and drug-aficionado that is too oftentimes the portrait of black men in movies. Jim Johnson and Levi Jackson were both strong, family-oriented men of solid graphic symbol.


Prejudice and Discouragement are sometimes constitute in your backyard.
The women of Subconscious Figures were not but dealing with racial discrimination, but they faced sexism as well, even from their ain friends. At the first meeting with her future husband, Katherine'southward suitor puts a huge foot in his own mouth:

Jim Johnson: "Aeronautics. Pretty exciting stuff. They let women handle that kind of- … I was just surprised something so taxing…"


video prune

Levi Jackson (Mary's Husband commenting on her want to become a NASA engineer): "All I'g maxim, don't play a fool. I don't desire to see you lot go hurt. NASA'due south never given you gals your due, having another caste won't change that. Civil rights ain't e'er ceremonious."

Both men came around to offer full support of their ladies' dreams, later on their wives stood strong to their convictions. Sometimes the battles for equity must be fought in our homes and communities, not only against "them."

Prejudice is sometimes harder to see now.
Nosotros no longer have colored bathrooms, colored bus seats, colored drinking fountains or colored coffee pots, merely we do have colored schools and even colored classrooms. We know that schools are only as segregated now, equally before Brownish vs. Lath of Pedagogy. The inequity in funding and support for the black schools ways segregation by opportunity, which is more criminal than segregation by race. The roster of my own class of "at-run a risk" students is 90% populated by students of color, while those same groups of students make upwards but 54% of the school population. When I brought this to the attention of the administration, they were genuinely unaware, but instantly concerned. Statistics like this, which be on newspaper, are harder to meet and less humiliating, only really more than dangerous than a "coloreds but" sign. Therefore, nosotros educators need to be more than vigilant in exposing these numbers and in changing the practices and policies that they represent.

The Powers That Be must be part of the modify process.
Equally much as the three heroines are rightfully credited with impacting change in NASA'southward practices regarding women and blacks, we need to likewise recognize those members of power structure that aided them in their cause: Space Task Force Director Al Harrison who gave Katherine access to classified data and high level meetings, Astronaut John Glenn who went out of way to greet the black female person computers and insisted that Katherine do the calculations on his re-entry, Polish engineer Karl Zielinski who encouraged Mary to seek her engineering degree, IBM Technician Neb Calhoun who gave Dorothy the opportunity to programme the new technology and her boss, Vivian Michael, who promoted her to Supervisor.

People of all ethnicity and gender can contribute.
This story was about more than whites and blacks sharing the same bathroom. It was about the talents and contributions of people of all backgrounds. Katherine makes this very point in the first meeting of her and her future husband.

Katherine: "So, yes…they let women do some things over at NASA, Mr. Johnson. Merely it's non because we habiliment skirts…it's because we wear spectacles."


Racial equality is pragmatic as well as moral.
This important story of Johnson, Jackson and Vaughn is about more than women or blacks receiving a fair milk shake. It is nearly how 1 of the crowning achievements of America may not have been accomplished without them.

Vivian Mitchell (Dorothy's Supervisor):  "Seems like they're gonna need a permanent team to feed that IBM."

I don't desire to question Al Harrison's sense of social justice, simply his violent down of the "Coloreds But" bathroom sign was as much an action of practicality as it was a brandish of righteousness.

Harrison "Go wherever you damn well please. Preferably closer to your desk."


His primary purpose was to become an American into orbit, not to get a black adult female to urinate adjacent a white ane, but he saw that the path into space traveled through an integrated restroom. Katherine knew it also traveled through an integrated boardroom. She was being kept out of key meetings, because of her gender and race, when she knew that her work was being hindered by the locked door. She stated her example for inclusion to her boss, not on a bones of equality, but on a basis of practicality.

Katherine: "I cannot do my work effectively without having all of the information and all of the information as soon as it's available. Indeed to exist in that room, hearing what you hear."

When Harrison has to correspond her presence in the meeting, he did non say, 'We demand more black women in these meetings.' Instead, he claimed,

"This is Katherine Goble with our Trajectory and Launch Window Partitioning. Her work is pertinent to today's proceedings."

hf-meetingAne of the strongest points of the movie is that prejudice not only harms the oppressed, but it hinders all of us. Equity does not only make America more fair, it makes America ameliorate.

On American Patriotism
Blackness history is American history.
The story of Subconscious Figures is not the only story of African-American mathematicians and scientist who have fabricated terrific contributions to our nation. In fact, those lists are long and distinguished:

  • List of African-American Mathematicians
  • Listing of African-American Scientists

America always struggles to live up its ideals, but those ideals are America.
The names of the two spacecraft highlighted in the film are named Freedom and Friendship. These names seem a bit ironic when contrasted to the social controversies of the time. Many blacks and women in the '60's would not have considered America to exist friendly or complimentary, however, gender and racial equity made huge strides towards these American values during that time flow.

Mary: "I'm a Negro adult female. I'm not going to entertain the impossible."

Zielinski (engineering colleague): "And I'm a Polish Jew whose parents died in a Nazi prison house campsite. Now I'm continuing below a infinite ship that's going to conduct an astronaut to the stars. I think we tin say, we're living the impossible."

Mary would exist happy to know that over 50 years later, not only are women of all ethnicities being allowed to go engineers, they are beingness actively recruited for such a career, and nosotros in the public school organisation are existence charged with raising them up. Again, this is non a matter of equality; it is a matter of practicality. America needs more engineers, and whatsoever antiquated systems of injustice volition continue us from achieving our technological potential, and from reaching our highest ideals of Friendship and Freedom.


* All Quotes from Hidden Figures Screenplay by Allison Schroeder and Theodore Melfi, May 12, 2015 (Based on the book Hidden Figures past Margot Shetterly).


Source: https://mathprojects.com/2017/02/20/hidden-figures-lessons-for-the-classroom/

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