After 6 Months Urges to Chew Again

Staffordshire bull terrier Casey at Thirsk adoption centre

How to control dogs chewing

Adolescent chewing (or exploratory chewing as it is also known) ordinarily occurs in dogs between puppyhood and adulthood at vii to 12 months of age, and can final for up to six months. Information technology is different from puppy teething since it happens later all the needle-like puppy teeth have fallen out. Adolescent dogs often have an uncontrollable urge to chew, which could be because of discomfort in the gums as their adult teeth are settling into the jawbone.

Why do dogs chew?

Adolescent chewing also occurs as young dogs endeavour to explore their environment and discover new things. Reasons include the following.


Dogs left alone for long periods or not getting enough mental and physical stimulation are likely to go bored. Working breeds accept naturally high activeness levels and become hands bored in the wrong domicile. This tin lead to destructive behaviour.

Puppy teething

Teething for puppies occurs between iii and seven months of age when puppies accept an uncontrollable urge to chew to relieve some of the discomfort in their gums. Chewing also facilitates the removal of puppy teeth and the eruption of the adult set.

Attending seeking

If your canis familiaris learns that chewing something forbidden (such every bit the Boob tube remote) makes you get up and hunt round the room, the fauna quickly learns that this is a great mode to get attention.

An unbalanced diet

If not getting enough calcium for instance, your domestic dog may endeavour to compensate past chewing stones or plaster. All dogs should exist fed according to their age, weight, health status and the amount of exercise they receive. Consult your vet for advice on the best diet for your domestic dog.

Distress at being left lone

Some dogs cannot cope with being separated from their owners and are subversive when left (run intoAlone at dwelling house).

What can be done about my dog chewing?

  • Supply your dog with items that are safe and tough enough to survive being chewed – this means they should non splinter, or intermission into small or harmful pieces that can exist swallowed
  • Make sure the canis familiaris does not take access to places where there are valuable or dangerous items if you are not there to supervise
  • Regularly exercise your domestic dog – especially away from home, at least once a mean solar day (ie practice not but exercise your dog in the garden)
  • Visit unlike environments when you walk your domestic dog (such as pavements, fields, woods, parks and beaches). Care must be taken with puppies until they are fully protected by vaccination.
  • Teach your dog what is adequate and unacceptable to chew
  • Attempt to play with your dog at least 3 times a day, for at to the lowest degree five minutes each time. Curt, frequent play sessions are the best.

Dog toys and chews are different

Toys are usually designed to be thrown, chased, squeaked, and tugged during play. Well-nigh are non designed to be chewed. Some exceptions are Kongs and action assurance which tin can be referred to as 'chew toys', simply you will need to always consider the hardness of any toys you give your canis familiaris to avoid tooth fractures.


Hands destroyed soft toys should ever be picked up by the owner at the end of the game and put out of the domestic dog's accomplish. This will salvage you money because the toys last much longer – you will too avert the need to accept your canis familiaris to the vet because of a blockage caused by swallowing toys. Do non leave them for your dog to chew in one case the game has finished.


Chews can be given when a dog is settling downwardly for some repose fourth dimension, though you lot must supervise your dog while they are chewing. Unlike toys, chews are designed for nibbling and gnawing and are essential if you lot want a dog to chew acceptable items instead of your furniture. Examples of chews include rask, chew stick, dental rawhide, pressed hide, large and medium Kongs, and activeness balls.

Important: Always make certain any chews are the correct size and hardness for your canis familiaris and then that they're safe to play with and eat.


All dogs similar to play on their own sometimes, so it is of import to leave at least one "prophylactic" toy downwards for them to play with at any time. An first-class selection for this purpose is a chew toy such as a Kong (available from pet shops). This is a firm safety toy, hollow on the inside and which tin can withstand lots of chewing. If you stuff biscuits inside the Kong or smear some cheese spread within, your dog will work to get the food out, and will nibble, lick and chew on the toy for some time. Kongs are likewise good at stimulating play and chase behaviour, since they bounciness unpredictably in unlike directions when thrown.

Action balls

These are hollow dimpled balls, the size of a pocket-sized football, with two holes. If you identify small-scale pieces of dry food within (such equally a portion of the dog'south daily food ration or mixer), the dog has to gyre the ball around to get the food to driblet out of the holes. This keeps them occupied for quite some time.

Teaching your domestic dog correct from wrong

Always advantage your canis familiaris for chewing the right things. Every 24-hour interval, provide one or ii chews your canis familiaris has not seen for a while. Leave them out on the floor whenever your dog is in the room. When you see your domestic dog chew i, praise gently.

Correct your dog when he chews the incorrect things. If you find your canis familiaris is well-nigh to chew something prohibited, quietly directly attention onto an acceptable chew, and brand a huge fuss when the dog begins to chew on it. This volition encourage your dog to select the items yous want to exist chewed.

Other tips

Any valuable possessions (such every bit wallets) or potentially dangerous items (such as scissors) should be removed from your domestic dog's accomplish. Your dog may chew your all-time shoes or the remote control if these are within achieve and yous are not in that location to say "no".

Adolescent chewing can sometimes exist discouraged by spraying the object with a taste deterrent such as Bitter Apple (bachelor from pet shops). Even so, this method only discourages some dogs. In addition, in club to maintain the unpleasant taste the object needs to be frequently resprayed. Spraying items with Bitter Apple does not cure a chewing problem. Y'all volition all the same need to follow the residuum of the advice in this leaflet to amend your dog'due south behaviour.

Mutual problems with dog chewing

I always chastise my domestic dog for chewing, just he however does it...

This is because punishment does non work. At all-time, it just teaches the canis familiaris not to chew when you are at that place, every bit your domestic dog knows yous will get annoyed. It does not teach the dog the right thing to exercise. Therefore, information technology follows that when you are out, rugs may get chewed and the table leg eaten.

My dog already has a chew and lots of toys, so why does he still chew things he shouldn't?

The domestic dog is bored with the chew, considering information technology is available all the time. Toys are no fun unless the owner is playing too, just normally when your dog picks up a toy or a bone this is ignored by you. Conversely, if your dog chews the tabular array leg, yous pay attention immediately – and then your dog finds it more fun to chew the tabular array leg. You accept not taught your dog properly what is right and wrong to chew.

When should I give my domestic dog chews?

Chews can be given whenever you want to aid your dog settle down.

My dog chews my things out of spite

Chewing is done for reasons such as discomfort in the gums, boredom due to lack of practice, or distress in the possessor'south absence. Chewing is never done out of spite or jealousy, or with whatsoever intent to destroy valuable holding on purpose.

Do I have to buy dozens of expensive chews for my dog?

No, but ideally you should take a wide range of chews, in order that you lot tin can rotate the ones you give on a daily basis. The post-obit five are recommended.

  • Kong
  • Pressed rawhide chew
  • Rasks
  • Dental chew
  • Rawhide twist

What makes dog chewing worse?

  • If you take everything abroad from the dog, and leave nothing appropriate to chew, your dog will find something else (such as your carpet)
  • Lack of concrete and mental stimulation (ie inadequate exercise and play sessions)
  • Keeping your canis familiaris in i place (never taking your dog out of the house and garden)

Mistakes may happen

Never give your dog the run of the business firm until reliable behaviour is established. If your dog chews something inappropriate, consider it your fault, non that of the domestic dog. If your canis familiaris chews whilst you lot have been out, exercise not punish when you lot render. Information technology will do no skilful. It can come up as a great shock, when the dog runs to greet y'all, if you are annoyed or even ambitious. Punishment only makes the dog think you are unpredictable and causes mistrust and anxiety – and an anxious dog is much more than likely to chew.

Beyond boyhood and into adulthood

When your dog becomes a fully grown adult, the desire to chew will diminish, only will non become completely. You tin can requite an developed canis familiaris chews throughout their life to exercise jaws and, chews like dental sticks, will help to go on their teeth clean, though the best way to proceed them clean is past brushing them regularly.

Always remember the chewing phase will pass more rapidly if you sympathize your dog's needs. If yous provide a range of chews, plenty of play sessions and the opportunity to explore different environments and exercise well, you lot are well on the way to having a contented canis familiaris that only chews the right things.


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